General Rules
General Rules (No add on)
Monopoly General Rules
The goal of Monopoly is to become the wealthiest player by buying, renting, and selling properties while avoiding bankruptcy.
Each player starts with $1500 (divided into denominations).
Players select a token and place it on GO.
Players roll dice to determine who goes first (highest roller), and then take turns in clockwise order.
On a player's turn, they roll two six-sided dice and move their token accordingly. Dice must be rolled together and not individually.
Rolling double will let the Player roll again after finishing his/her turn. E.g. Player rolled a double and lands on owned property will have to pay rental before rolling again.
Rolling doubles back to back 3 times sends the Player to jail
After completing first round, the player may start to buy the property they land on if it's unowned. If it’s owned by another player, they must pay rent.
If the player lands on Chance or Community Chest cards, they draw and follow the instructions.
Players may land on Income Tax or Luxury Tax and must pay the bank.
Players may land on Jail (Just Visiting) or be sent to Jail for various reasons (e.g., landing on the "Go to Jail" space, drawing a specific card).
Properties: Players can buy properties and build houses and hotels, which increase rent.
Buying and Selling:
Buying Properties: Players buy properties when they land on them. If they own all properties of a color set, they can build houses or hotels.
Mortgage: Properties can be mortgaged to raise cash . Mortgage = Player still owns the property but cannot collect rental, rental goes to the bank. They must be unmortgaged with additional 10% fee before they can be traded or developed. To mortgage properties with houses/hotel, sell all buildings in the color group back to the bank at half price
Trading: Players can trade properties and cash with each other.
Rent is charged when another player lands on an owned property. Rent varies by the type of property and how many houses or hotels are built.
A player is bankrupt if they owe more than they can afford to pay either to another player or to the bank. If a player owes another player, they must give all their remaining assets to that player.
The game ends when all players except one have gone bankrupt. The remaining player wins.
Or when first player loses, the winner is the player with the most money and assets.