Oversea Vehicle & Property💰
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On your turn, Player can only do one action:
Buy VT (Max limit: 5 VT)
Buy FT (Max limit: 5 FT for Car, 2 FT for Bike)
Buy Oversea Property (Max limit: 1 Property)
Put Fix deposit (In hundreds, 10 banker turns)
To ease into the multi currency add on
Start with vehicle add on only
Add in oversea property
Then fix deposit
Then inflation
Inflation/Live Prices💱
Every time the Banker passes Go, prices of everything (properties, rental, taxes and more) increase by 2%. However, money paid by bank does not inflate. E.g. Collect Go $200
Fixed Deposit
Locks your money for 10 banker turns to earn 2% simple interest per turn.
After 10 banker turns, during the Player's turn, he/she must request a withdrawal from bank
If not withdrawn, money automatically locks in for another 10 banker turns.
Early withdrawal, before a full deposit cycle is completed, will incur a 20% of total deposit as processing fee
Only dealt in hundreds
Banker Token
A special token that moves like a regular token and is immune to all effects.
Tracks inflation and manages Fixed Deposits with passing Go counts as a turn.
Purchasing: Vehicles can be purchased during your turn using Vehicle Tokens (VT). Fuel Tokens (FT) are required for each turn a vehicle is used. Vehicle must be used every turn. Else confiscated by bank.
Vehicle Benefits:
Cars and motorbikes allow you to roll 3 dice per turn (instead of 2).
Bicycles allow you to roll again if you roll a double. (Note: No vehicle means no double roll)
Accidents: If a Player lands on the same square as another Player, an accident occurs.
Accidents can happen again. E.g. 2-Player accident occurred at Orchard, another Player enters and an accident will occur again for those 3 Players.
A dice is rolled X amount of times (refer to table) to determine the accident cost:
Rolls 1-5: Players pay 1 to 5 FT based on the dice roll.
Rolls 6: All vehicles on the square are destroyed and Players go to jail.
Motorcycle who rolls a sum of 17 or 18 will get into an accident. (Roll once only)
Selling: Vehicles cannot be sold back to bank
Trading: Vehicles and tokens can be freely traded with other players.
Oversea Property🏘️
Bidding: Players can place bids on properties starting at the live price, with the highest bidder winning.
Trading & Selling: Properties can be traded freely between players. Properties can be sold back to the bank after holding for 10 banker turns at 80% market rate.
Rent: Properties collect 2% live price as rental each time the player passes Go.
Payment: Properties and Rental are paid using Bankrupt Bucks (BB).